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Build flexible and accurate clusters with Gaussian Mixture Models

There are limitations with the K-Means algorithm. Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is an enhancement to the K-means clustering algorithm which overcomes certain limitations. Read the post to know more about the GMM models. ... Read More

Lasso and Ridge Regression Detailed Explanation

In Linear Regression we saw that the complexity of the model is not controlled. Linear Regression only tries to minimize the error (e.g. MSE) and may result in arbitrarily complex coefficients. The model which we are developing should be as simple as possible but not simpler. Regularization is a process used to create an optimally complex model, i.e. a model which is as simple as possible while performing well on the training data.  ... Read More

Does probability really help businesses?

We all at some point in time have heard about terms like statistics, probability, distributions. But have we thought about how it is used in businesses to actually deliver value? This post, not only explains the concept but also shows the importance of inferential statistics. ... Read More

Introduction to Bokeh Server

In the previous post, Data Visualization using the Bokeh package in Python, we learned about generating powerful visualizations using the Bokeh package in Python. If you have not gone through this post or don't know about Bokeh, I highly recommend you go through the post before proceeding further. We will continue our discussion on Bokeh, and we will see how to build powerful applications using the Bokeh package. ... Read More

Random Forests Explained in detail

In my previous post, I have talked about Decision Tree and explained in detail how it works. In this post we will be talking about Random forest which is a collection of Decision Tree. A random forest is almost always better than a single decision tree. This is the reason why it is one of the most popular machine learning algorithms. Random forests use a technique known as bagging, which is an ensemble method. ... Read More

Whats new in Angular v5

This post explains about new features added to Angular 5. Below are the topics explained in this post: Build Optimizer AOT on by default Progressive web apps New HTTP client Forms improvement Internationalized Number, Date, and Currency Pipes New lifecycle events in Router and lot more. Lets get started and update our skill sets. ... Read More

Introduction and bootstrapping of Angular 2 application

The main idea of angularjs is a separation of logic between HTML update and JavaScript logic in web pages. Also with angularjs, we can test our applications very easily. Google team has made some changes to angular 2.x which are completely different in structural and coding concept than angular 1.x. We will be learning all these changes in detail. I will be also explaining the process of bootstrapping of angular application in detail. Let's get started. ... Read More

Angular v2 vs Angular v4

Angular is the open-source JavaScript framework developed by google. There are lot of updates being made in the framework. As google announced new version of angular, let's see what are the new features added or updated in the framework. Let's get started. ... Read More

Unsupervised Learning k-means clustering algorithm in Python

Here we are back again to discuss Unsupervised Learning. We will be discussing the k-means clustering algorithm to solve the Unsupervised Learning problem. In previous posts, k-nearest neighbor algorithm for supervised learning in Python Regression model in Machine Learning using Python ... Read More

Regression model in Machine Learning using Python

In this post, we will be learning about techniques to generate supervised learning regression models. We will be exploring Linear Regression and Regularized Regression. We will be also looking at various types of Regularized Regression: Ridge Regression and Lasso Regression. ... Read More

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How China is standing in between for India to become the leader in producing electricity using solar energy

In India, it is expected that the population of the country will grow by 20% in the next 3-5 years. With such growth in population, there is definitely going to be a burden on the resources such as electricity, water, etc.

Perception why private schools are better than government schools

Perception and why private schools are better than government schools. But IIMs, NITs, and IITs which are government entities are considered superior to any private college. How this perspective has been developed in Indian society?




Power System in India

Before we go into detail about the power crisis that India is facing, let's briefly understand how the power system works in India. The diagram below mentions the process of electricity transmission in India.

Why Indian Market are dependent too heavily on the USA stock market?

We have generally seen that the Indian stock market reflects the trends in the US stock market.

smartphone screen

The era of touch smartphone devices started with Steve Jobs jumping into the market with the first iPhone in 2007. Prior to that Nokia dominated the market with Nokia 9000 Communicator.