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Boosting Algorithms explained in detail

In the post, Random Forests Explained in detail we discussed Random Forest which uses the technique of Bagging to create an ensemble of the decision tree. In this post, we will be discussing Boosting techniques and will look at a few popular algorithms: Adaptive Boosting or AdaBoost Gradient Boosting which uses boosting techniques to create an ensemble. ... Read More

Distributional Semantics: Techniques to represent words as vectors

The distributional hypothesis states that the context words of the given ambiguous word determine the correct meaning of the word. Which in simple terms means that the meaning of the given word can be determined in the context (or neighboring words) in which the word is used. ... Read More

Multivariate Linear Regression detailed explanation

In the previous post, Simple Linear Regression detailed Explanation we understand how to apply Linear Regression to the problem statement where we have only one independent variable. However, in the real-time scenario, there will be many independent variables that will contribute to predicting the target variable. Here, I will be demonstrating using the Boston dataset from the sklearn library. ... Read More

Data Visualization using Bokeh package in Python

In this post, we will be looking at techniques to plot visualizations using bokeh package. We will be exploring techniques like color mapping, layouts, linked plots, etc in this post. ... Read More

Importing data using Python

In today's world, there is a lot of data being generated from various devices. The format of data varies from flat files to tabular structure. In this post, we will be looking into python packages, for importing data using python. We will be looking at techniques to import following file types using python packages: Flat files - .txt, .csv files Pickled file Excel files SAS files STATA file HDF5 files mat file Relational database Reading data from web Let's get started with importing data from various file formats. ... Read More

Improving the Supervised Learning Model using Python

Typically in Machine Learning, we generate a Machine Learning model and once the model is generated we use multiple techniques to measure the accuracy of the model. But, the question that might be coming to your mind is: "The accuracy of the model doesn't match the expectations. What can I do to improve the accuracy of the model?" Valid thought. In this post, we will be looking at a few best practices to generate Models. In other words, we will be looking at techniques to tune the model. ... Read More

Hypothesis Testing explained using practical example

An in-depth explanation of hypothesis testing using real-world examples. The best guide to follow for understanding hypothesis testing in detail. The article is inspired by the book "Naked Statistics - Stripping the dread from the data" by Charles Wheelan. ... Read More

Simple Linear Regression detailed Explanation

Linear regression is one of the simple and popular used machine learning algorithms which focus on finding the best straight-line fit between the dependent variable or target variable and one or more independent variables. To learn more about algorithm working refer to the post. ... Read More

Mastering Smart Contract Development: Writing and Deploying Solidity Contracts using Solidity

Learn about how to develop a smart contract using solidity as a programming language on the online remix IDE. At the same time, this post also explains how to test the smart contract on a sample blockchain before deploying the smart contract on the real blockchain. ... Read More

Unlocking the Power of Natural Language Processing: An Introduction and Pipeline Framework for Solving NLP Tasks

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it is spoken. Here in this post we discussed about NLTK and spaCy package which is used to perform NLP operations and it's pipeline. ... Read More

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How China is standing in between for India to become the leader in producing electricity using solar energy

In India, it is expected that the population of the country will grow by 20% in the next 3-5 years. With such growth in population, there is definitely going to be a burden on the resources such as electricity, water, etc.

Perception why private schools are better than government schools

Perception and why private schools are better than government schools. But IIMs, NITs, and IITs which are government entities are considered superior to any private college. How this perspective has been developed in Indian society?




Power System in India

Before we go into detail about the power crisis that India is facing, let's briefly understand how the power system works in India. The diagram below mentions the process of electricity transmission in India.

Why Indian Market are dependent too heavily on the USA stock market?

We have generally seen that the Indian stock market reflects the trends in the US stock market.

smartphone screen

The era of touch smartphone devices started with Steve Jobs jumping into the market with the first iPhone in 2007. Prior to that Nokia dominated the market with Nokia 9000 Communicator.