
Angular 2 is a TypeScript-based, web application development platform that switches to a component-based approach for web development. There are lot of improvements in angular as compared to angularjs in terms of Dependency injection, data binding etc. To know more about angular concepts subscribe to channel.

Angular CLI Cheat Sheet

T he Angular team has brought in a really handy tool to bootstrap the Angular application and also to add a new feature to the app. The tool is known as angular-cli. To install angular-cli to the system we need to install nodeJS. Once we have installed it we need to install npm dependency angular-cli globally. Once installed, open the terminal/ command prompt and run a command: npm install -g @angular/cli This will install an angular-cli package globally and now we can create a new…

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Unit testing Angular Application

I n this article, we will be looking at how to write unit test cases for testing angular application that you are developing. Some of us think is it really necessary to spend time on writing test cases? I agree that writing unit test cases require efforts. But remember the efforts spend in writing unit test cases will be worthy in long run.  If you are not convinced with writing unit test cases, then try to answer below questions(yes/no): You had built a feature and there is a request…

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Dependency injection in Angular 2

I f you have some experience with AngularJs, you would know what Dependency injection is and how to use it. Whenever we need some third-party functionality we just inject it. But if you don't know there is nothing to worry as I am going to explain from scratch how it works in Angular 2.   In AngularJs we inject dependencies in module, directives, components etc. But now with Angular 2.x, there is only one way by which we can inject dependency and that is simply by using constructors. Please…

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Whats new in Angular v5

  F irstly let me clarify we don't call it as angular 5, We know there are lot of things happened when angularJS moved to angular 2. But yeah, now onwards it's just angular. Similar to other frameworks. As we don't call react as react 1 or react 2. Below are some of the new features that are shipped along with Angular v5.   Angular cli 1.5 now will install angular v5 Typescript was updated to 2.4 from 2.3 RXJS was updated 5.5 There were some improvements and the new release that was…

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Introduction and bootstrapping of Angular 2 application

Why Angular?   T he main idea of angularjs is a separation of logic between HTML update and JavaScript logic in web pages. Also with angularjs, we can test our applications very easily.   Google team has made some changes to angular 2.x which are completely different in structural and coding concept than angular 1.x. Let us see what is the need for such drastic changes: Angular 1.x was not a good choice when it comes to mobile development. So, Google comes up with Angular 2.x which…

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Angular v2 vs Angular v4

  A ngular is developed by Google and is considered as one of the best open-source JavaScript frameworks.   What was new in angular v2? Some of the big changes that were made in angular 2.x are: Angular 2 was focused on the development of mobile apps. Numerous modules like controllers and $scope were eliminated from angular core leading to performance improvement. AtScript was used to develop Angular 2.x. Where is Angular 3? You all might be wondering where is Angular 3? Actually,…

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