Angular CLI Cheat Sheet

Tavish Aggarwal

July 10, 2022


he Angular team has brought in a really handy tool to bootstrap the Angular application and also to add a new feature to the app. The tool is known as angular-cli.

To install angular-cli to the system we need to install nodeJS. Once we have installed it we need to install npm dependency angular-cli globally. Once installed, open the terminal/ command prompt and run a command:

npm install -g @angular/cli

This will install an angular-cli package globally and now we can create a new application. To create a new application we need to type the command:

ng new <Project name>

Once we have the project ready, go to the project directory and serve the application:

cd <Project name>
ng serve

This will serve the application on 4200 port. That's it.

Below is the cheatsheet file that can help you to quickly refer and run the commands. If at any point in time you need more clarity on angular cli commands please refer document.

Angular CLI Cheat Sheet

ng new <project name>  # To create a new project

ng serve  # To host the project on 4200 port

ng serve --port <port no> --host <host name> # To host application specific host/port

We can use a short alias as well:

ng s --p <port no> --h <hostname>

Some other helpful commands

ng lint # To lint and look for JavaScript errors

ng lint --format stylish # Linting and formatting the output

ng lint --fix # Lint and attempt to fix all the problems

ng build # to build a project in the dist folder

ng build ---target <target name> # Target for which we want to build

ng build --prod # To build in production mode

ng test # To run spec files

ng e2e # To run e2e test cases

ng doc # To look for angular documentation

ng help # To get help on angular cli commands

To change the .angular-cli.json config

ng set # to change properties

# For e.g. ng set default.styleExt scss
# ng set default.styleExt scss -g -- To set in global angular-cli file


ng generate component <component name> # To generate new component
ng g c <component name> # Short notation to generate component

ng g c <component name> --flat # Want to generate folder name as well?

ng g c <component name> --inline-template # Want to generate HTML file?
ng g c <component name> -it # Short notation

ng g c <component name> --inline-style # Want to generate css file?
ng g c <component name> -is # Short notation

ng g c <component name> --spec # Want to generate spec file?

ng g c <component name> --view-encapsulation # View encapsulation stratergy
ng g c <component name> -ve # Short notation

ng g c <component name> --change-detection # Change detection strategy
ng g c <component name> -cd # Short notation

ng g c <component name> --dry-run # To only report files and don't write them
ng g c <component name> -d # Short notation

ng g c <component name> -m <module name> -d 
# Name of module where we need to add component as dependency

Directives and services

ng generate directive <directive-name> # To generate directive
ng g d <directive-name> # short notation

ng g d <directive-name> -d # To only report files and don't write them

ng generate service <service-name> # To generate service
ng g s <service-name> # short notation

ng g s <service-name> -d # To only report files and don't write them

ng g s <service-name> -m <module name> 
# Name of module where we need to add service as dependency

Classes, Interface, pipe, and enums

ng generate class <class name> # To generate class
ng g cl <class name> # short notation

ng generate interface <interface name> # To generate interface
ng g i <interface name> # short notation

ng generate pipe <pipe name> # To generate pipe
ng g p <pipe name> # short notation

ng generate enum <enum name> # To generate enum
ng g e <enum name> # short notation

Module and routing

ng generate module <module name> # To generate module
ng g m <module name> # To short notation

ng g m <module name> --spec true -d # To generate spec file for the module

ng g m <module name> --routing # To generate module with routing file

ng g guard <guard name> # To generate guard to route

Bonus Topic

Source Map Explorer

Source Map Explorer is a tool to view the treemap visualization to know where the code(from which file or module) is coming from. We can better understand it by using it. To download the tool run the command as shown below:

npm install -g source-map-explorer

Now we have source map explorer installed globally. To see the visualization firstly we need to build our angular app and then see the visualization. Please refer to the command shown below:

ng build # To build the solution
source-map-explorer dist/main.bundle.js # Open a treemap visualization

In this post, I have tried to cover all the possible ng commands. Please let me know in the comment section if I have missed any commands.

Author Info

Tavish Aggarwal


Living in Hyderabad and working as a research-based Data Scientist with a specialization to improve the major key performance business indicators in the area of sales, marketing, logistics, and plant productions. He is an innovative team leader with data wrangling out-of-the-box capabilities such as outlier treatment, data discovery, data transformation with a focus on yielding high-quality results. 
